It’s time to set up the network for our main branch.
Due to some limitations, the environment will be as follows:
Firewall: Fortigate VM 7.6.1 (Evaluation license)
Switching: There won’t be switches, we will use VMware workstation vNETs
Virtualization: VMware Workstation Pro
Below is a diagram of the network topology we want to accomplish, we will try to adjust as much as possible to it
On top, we have the Internet (Modem) and our Fortigate VM Firewall to filter any traffic, with 2 LANS: CORP: for Servers and Workstations and MGMT: For managing the Firewall, Switches and any other devices as needed, then we should have a Switch to distribute the VLANs per ports (but for this post we will use VMware workstation vSwitch), finally we have all devices, servers, workstations, printers etc.
99 | MGMT | |
100 | CORP | |
Set up Fortigate VM
Fortinet SSO offers us the possibility to download a Fortigate VM (compatible with many virtualization platforms)
For our case, we will download the Fortigate VM 7.6.1 VMware Workstation version and import the .ova on VMware Workstation:
For our case, I named it FTGG:
Once open let’s log in via CLI and set up the WAN Interface so we can connect:
Notice that port 1 will be the WAN Interface and will have a private IP for now.
configure system interface
edit port 1
set ip
set allowaccess https ping
set Alias "WAN"
Next, let’s set up the Hostname and HTTP and HTTPs ports:
Set up Interfaces
Let’s start with the Fortigate VM settings:
Network Adapter: Bridged (Automatic): this will be WAN (Port 1) and will be on the same subnet as the host -
Network Adapter 2 Custom (VMnet8): this will be CORP (Port 2) -
Network Adapter 3 Custom (VMnet1): this will be MGMT (Port 3) -
Set up Interfaces on the Fortigate VM:
Let’s go Network > Interfaces:
Port 1 / WAN: / (Already set up via CLI)
Port 2 / CORP: /
This will be the Network for Corporate devices (Servers, workstations, printers, scanners etc)
Notice that in Administrative Access we will only enable PING
We will also enable DHCP:
Address range:
DNS: (BBM-DC01) / (Google)
Lease time: 259200 seconds (3 days)
Port 3 / MGMT: /
This network will be the one for Management (Access to the Firewall, switches, APs, etc).
Notice the following:
For Administrative Access will enable: HTTPS, SSH, PING and SNMP
DHCP will be disabled
With that, we have all Interfaces set up:
Set up default static route
This route will provide us access to the Internet sending all traffic (that doesn’t have a more specific route) to our gateway address, then going to the Internet.
Now let’s go to Network > Static Routes:
Destination: Subnet - /
Gateway Address:
Interface: WAN (Port 1)
Administrative Distance: 10
Set up Firewall Policies
Let’s go now to Policy & Objects > Firewall Policy
Let’s create a policy to ACCEPT/Allow devices on the CORP subnet ( to reach the Internet.
Incoming Interface: CORP (Port2)
Outgoing Interface: WAN (Port1)
Source: all
Destination: all
Schedule: Always
Service: ALL (Here we can determine which outgoing ports we want to allow, for e.g. HTTPS, DNS, FTP, IPsec, etc)
Action: ACCEPT
NAT: Enabled
IP Pool configuration: Use Outgoing Interface Address
Manage source port: Enabled (Preserve source port)
Protocol options: Default
Security profiles: Since we are using an evaluation version we will leave it all off and SSL no-inspection
Log allowed traffic: Enabled / Security events
Enable this policy: Enabled
Finally, hit OK to save.
Now let’s create another Firewall Policy for MGMT subnet ( to reach the Internet called MGMT OUT:
Incoming Interface: MGMT(Port3)
Outgoing Interface: WAN (Port1)
Source: all
Destination: all
Schedule: Always
Service: ALL (Here we can determine which outgoing ports we want to allow, for e.g. HTTPS, DNS, FTP, IPsec, etc)
Action: ACCEPT
NAT: Enabled
IP Pool configuration: Use Outgoing Interface Address
Manage source port: Enabled (Preserve source port)
Protocol options: Default
Security profiles: Since we are using an evaluation version we will leave it all off and SSL no-inspection
Log allowed traffic: Enabled / Security events
Enable this policy: Enabled
Finally, hit OK to save.
Finally, we have all our Policies created:
Notice that at the end we will have an Implicit DENY that will reject any traffic, it’s why we need to set any ACCEPT/Allow Policies we need manually
Set up DNS
Let’s go to Network > DNS
DNS Servers: Specify
Primary DNS Server:
Secondary DNS Server:
DNS Protocols: Enabled - DNS (UDP/53)
Hit Apply
Set up Network Time Protocol (NTP)
The NTP service is fundamental in any Firewall and network setup, having accurate time stamps is a stepping stone for security, logging, auditing, and much more.
For this one, we will open the CLI and enter the following commands:
Verify the NTP service is running:
diag sys ntp status
Notice it’s using the default NTP server:
Let’s configure NTP with custom servers:
config system ntp
set ntpsync enable
set type custom
config ntpserver
edit 1
set server ""
edit 2
set server ""
edit 3
set server ""
edit 4
set server ""
Let’s check again the NTP status:
diag sys ntp status
We can confirm it’s now using: custom /
Set up Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) v1/v2
This protocol will allow us to monitor network devices in our case our Fortigate VM, for now, we will enable it.
SNMP Agent: Enabled
Description: BBM-FTG01
Location: MainOffice
Contact Info:
Let’s select Create New:
Community Name: BBM
IP Address: (This will be our Zabbix server / a monitoring software we will fully set up later)
Host Type: Accept queries and send traps
v1 Enabled
Port 161
v2c Enabled
Port 161
v1 Enabled
Local Port 162
Remote Port 162
For SNMP Events, let’s leave them enabled as default:
With that, we will have SNMP v1/v2 enabled:
We will study / fully implement it on upcoming posts.
Set up Syslog
Let’s go to Log & Reports > Log Settings:
Log settings
Event logging: All
Local traffic logging: All
Syslog logging: Enable
IP address/FQDN: (BBM-MGMT01 / where we will install our Syslog server)
Now we can go to BBM-MGMT01 which will be connected to Port 3 / MGMT: /
Let’s set the IP address as the following:
IPv4 Address:
Subnet mask:
Default Gateway:
Let’s install and open Visual Syslog Server:
As we can see we are getting Syslog messages no from BBM-FTG01
If we enter a wrong password trying to log in, it will register it:
We can fine-tune the Syslog application by defining a specific drive and location for logs, but for now, we will leave it as it is.
Let’s now log in to BBM-WS01:
First, let’s set up the Network Adapter to Custom (VMnet8) - This will connect to the CORP subnet:
We can confirm it’s getting an IP in the CORP subnet via DHCP /
We can also reach the Internet and do a tracert to and confirm the traffic is going out (Fortigate VM Port 1)
We can also try to open the Fortigate VM Port 1 via the web browser:
It won’t open because the HTTPS management is disabled on that port (for security reasons)
Let’s go now to BBM-MGMT01 and set the Network Adapter to Custom (VMnet1) - This will connect to the MGMT subnet:
As a reminder, DHCP is disabled for this subnet so we set up static IP as follows:
Let’s test now a tracert to
We can confirm it goes out of (MGMT / Port 2)
We can test trying to reach the Fortigate via Web browser (HTTPs) and SSH, it works because both protocols are enabled on Port 2.
In this post, we successfully set up a Fortigate VM 7.6.1 firewall with two primary networks - CORP ( for corporate devices and MGMT ( for management access. We configured essential services including firewall policies, DNS, NTP, SNMP, and Syslog logging. The environment was tested by connecting workstations to both networks, confirming proper network segmentation, internet access, and management capabilities. Even though we have some limitations this basic setup is a great start in setting up the networking foundations for our main office.
Stay tuned for more content.
Thanks for reading!
Link to the series 👉